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About Us

Dear Sector Stakeholders,

YEDAB was established in 2013 and it is one of the most important sectors not only in our country, but also in the world. It is the most comprehensive and has the most members, where Study Abroad consultants are gathered under a single roof. Our association will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2023 when Turkey aims to be the leader in many sectors at the international level; we believe that YEDAB will become a respected institution that every professional consultancy company wants to be a part of it.

In the near future, with all the work done with the vision and leadership of our valuable members like you; our primary goal is to be an association which has proven the depth of "being a member of YEDAB" and increased solidarity and communication among our members.

We are now ready to move forward on this path that we set out with the mission of increasing the quality by ensuring the unity in Studying Abroad sector, which has existed in our country for more than 20 years. So that the stakeholders of the sector get to know each other better and produce common ideas, work on the main problems of the sector, and play an active role in the regulation studies in the sector.

It is now a fact that Turkey is one of the leading countries in studying abroad sector. Now, it is up to us as members to ensure that YEDAB is the undisputed 'Leading Study Abroad Consultants Association' in Turkey. The power we will receive from you will be very valuable for us in our task that we will do with enthusiasm.

I send my love and respect to all of you, and thank you very much for your support.

Osman YILMAZ, Chairman of the Board of YEDAB

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